Introduction: Origami Sycee

About: Im a Student and stuff and yeah i like making stuff alot and i like cookies >:3 If you want you can contact me at: Or if you play starcraft contact me at Anarbiter9 maybe we can have a qui…
This instructable will teach on how to make a yuanbao or sycee.

Made by Alexander Nino
Folded by Alexander Nino

Step 1: First Step

Fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally or vertically
and then fold it in half again.

Step 2: 2nd Step

unfold and fold to the center crease.

Step 3: The Hard Part

Open up the 2 sides of the paper and squash it down.

Step 4: 4th Step

Fold one part on the piece to the other side and repeat on the other

Step 5: 5th Step

open up the bottom see the flaps sticking out tuck it in.

Step 6: 6th and Final Step

Step 7: Viola!

there is your sycee!