Introduction: P-Trike
The P-Trike is designed for sport,fitness and fun, motion is driven by pushing and pulling the handelbares in a standing or sitting position , or with a thrust kick to the rear of the trike. Once in motion, acceleration is gain by changing gears. Corners very well with the built in universal joint frame. Braking is applied to front and rear wheels using the brake handel or foot brake. I made this prototype myself using old bike parts.
/VAu 1-168.712
( push pull kick trike )
Tecnical information for Prototype PKT:
Height : 80-130 cm
Length: 60-100 cm
Rear wheel width : 70-80 cm
front base width: 18cm
Weight: 7 -15 kg
Weight capacity: 200 - 300kg
Material: metal & plastic ,rubber
Parts : 65741. handelbar holder 657420. primary spring
65742. brake & gear cabel 657421. brake handel
65743. push fork 657422. handelbar
65744. brake 657423. screw cap
65745. drive rod 657424. front wheel shaft
65746. secoundary spring 657425. chain cover
65747. front wheel
65748. wheel sprocket
65749. steering fork
657410. universal joint
657411. rear frame
657412. riding plate
657413. rear wheel
657414. rear wheel fender
657415. drive chain
657416. front wheel fender
657417. chain guide
657418. main frame
657419. main drive sprocket
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