Introduction: Paper Inverting Thing

About: I am the person in my family that fixes things and I enjoy it. I also like to share my projects so I joined Instructables.Hope you like my projects and support me.

Have you ever wanted some type of origami project that moves and makes some new picture every rotation? Well here is a project for you.

Step 1: Things You Need

The things that you need are:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Tape
  • A good hand

Step 2: Folding and Cutting

First you need to fold the paper in half vertically and make a nice good crease. Now fold the right corner to the left side. Draw a line on the fold and cut on the line.

Step 3: More Folding

Unfold the paper you cut and fold it in half then unfold the fold you just did and fold both sides to the crease in the middle. Now fold the paper in half the other way and unfold it.

Step 4: Drawing Lines

Now draw lines from every crease (look at the pictures for details). Fold all the lines and make good creases.

Step 5: Final Folds and Taping

Insert the paper into itself and fold the flaps into the middle. Fold the corners into the middle and do the same to the other side too. Now tape the the folded side and VOILA your now done with the inverting paper thing (I didn't know its real name)

Step 6: Color and Decorate

Color the sides to make different images on every invert. Thanks to my older brother making this awesome paper toy and teaching me how to make it. Thanks for viewing and dealing with my non origami instructions.