Introduction: Paper RPG

About: I love pets and making things out of paper. And being a greenfreak isn't that bad.
This gun is one of many I've made. But this one in probley my most complicated and most unique gun yet!!!!!!
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Step 1: Supplies

The supplies you will need is:
*10-20 pieces of paper
Now you are ready to build the RPG

Step 2: Barrel, Part One!!!

Now then, to make the barrel you tape two pieces of paper together and roll them like the picture below. Roll them the size of you thumb. After you have done that, make 5 more exactly like the first one.
Make sure you tape where the two meet together good.

Step 3: Make the Barrel, Part Two.

Basically take the tubes that you rolled earlier and tape them like the picture. Make sure both sides look like that, the 5 on a dice.

Step 4: Make the Barrel, Part Three

take the barrel thing that you just made and wrap it in paper. the paper has to be short ways. wrap it in three pieces of paper. overlap them all you need. leave a one inch gap at the back. like the picture.
There the barrel is finally finished.

Step 5: Handles, Part One

To make the handles roll a piece a paper about the size of your thumb. Cut it but make one side a bit bigger than the other. Tape the shorter one right in the middle. Tape the other one in between the middle one and the front. Just study the picture and do what it shows.

Step 6: Handles, Part Two

Roll a sheet of paper longways and cut it to length so it fits in the handles. tape the tubes in to make it look natural.

Step 7: The Blowing Tube

To make the blow tube, roll a piece of paper long ways the fits snugly in side the middle most barrel. cut it in half then cut one half in half again. put it in the middle most barrel and tape.

Step 8: Final Product

Now that the gun is finished you might want to make the grenade. Search on Instructables: paper RPG grenade to learn to make it.
Hope you enjoyed this.
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