Introduction: Paper StrandBeest

About: I like to make inventions, usually out of paper and stuff I have. I have a few projects that i haven't put up on instructables yet...
Edit: This is now outdated, please go to Paper Strandbeest Mk 2

Well I was bored one weekend and I had nothing to do so I was going to make a mini Strandbeest out of cardboard to hold a cup or other objects.
This is fairly easy but don't use corrugated cardboard if you are making it small because it will bend over time and break.

Step 1: What You Need

* Thick card-stock, other thick paper, Or/ and paper cups (I used cardboard sheets, and paper cups)
* Scissors
* Pin
* Pen or pencil
* Glue 
* Paperclips (3 to 4 big paperclips)
* About 1 hour of time not including glue drying

Don't use corrugated cardboard

Step 2: Making the Legs

 Well you must first download the leg picture or the template that i scanned

Then don't cut the template but cut a piece of card-stock or paper cup a little bit bigger than what the templated shape is and then cut it to shape more detailing than before
An then poke holes in the shape with pins how the template shows it
lining up with the template.
Glue two pieces side by side to make the card-stock(Four for a cup) stronger and glue a small strip of paper or rubberband on the leg part where it shows on the picture to help it grip the surface.
Make four of each shape.

Step 3: Putting Together the Legs

What you do is snip off or bend off a little piece of a paper clip and put it in the hole where you poked the pin through. If it doesn't fit use a tack to make it big enough to put the paperclip piece in.
Put it together like how the picture shows

Step 4: Make the Paperclip Axle

Use pliers to bent the paper clip to be as straight as possible.
Then bend it as shown in the picture
Here is the picture with the 4 legs as 180 angle

Step 5: Putting the Axis On

  Get the axis and put the hole on the leg to where picture 2 points to.

Step 6: Adding the Top

Mark this distance as in picture 2 and then get a piece of cardboard  and mark that width in the middle of the paper. Then mark about 1 inches in picture 4 from the points to the axis mark cut it out and poke holes in the points. use a long paper clip and poke it through the legs point in picture 5

Step 7: You Are Done!

 Thank you for watching this instructable and please vote me for the paper cup contest!