Introduction: Papercaft Tank
Hello, welcome to this step-by-step, in this time I´m showing a war tank papercraft, I did not made the design of the papercraft model, I just want to show like all the others in the contest, one of all the million things you can do with paper and maybe someone gets involved in this kind of things and start doing it, like me, like a hobbie :)
Things you will need:
-White glue
-Lot of free time and patience!
Step 1: Choose a Design
Like I said before I didn't made the design of the papercraft so I searched for it and there are a LOT of things to cut, fold and paste!!
There are so many options, models with very very tiny pieces and a lot of pieces, others are easier to build, so it depends on you, in my case I choose a war tank.
TIP: print your design in full color HD to get a better look to your model :)
Step 2: The C-F-G (cut-fold-glue)
This is maybe the longest part of the job and the important part too.
Put attention at the pieces you're cutting if your design have instructions follow them because sometimes you can cut in the wrong place and there's no turning back for something like that :S trust me.
At the moment you are folding try to do it the more exact you can do it, I mean you can use a rule to do perfect folding-lines, this is important because the designs usually have the marks where you should fold in my case they were of different colors of the thank so when I was folding I didn't pay attention at the lines so much, but when I put the glue I realized that some pieces were bad folded, and I can see the difference of the color of the tank and of the space to glue, so take care of this.
Step 3: Assemble
Once you have your tiny pieces fold and glued start to assemble your model, usually tiny pieces are part of bigger pieces and so you assemble just big pieces, in my case I have instructions for this too, but they were in chinese :S so if something similar happens to you or you are a visual person, well... follow the pictures :P.
Assemble the model is not hard when the C-F-G steps were done correctly.
Step 4: Feel Proud
After all your time invested you have a result, now your papercraft model should have been finished, if it doesn't look like you were expected, don't worry keep trying , things in life are not perfect , this is my first papercraft all by myself, and I'm posting it!
Be proud of what you make :)