Introduction: Paracord Sling
We all know the story of David and Goliath and know that David used a sling and one stone to kill Goliath. But most of us have never used nor seen a sling. In this turorial I'll show how to make one. And with practice you can maybe even kill a rabbit with it :-).
Step 1: Starting the Weave
Follow the pictures closely and repeat these steps about 10-15 Times depending on how big you want it.
Step 2: Finished
when you finish tie a loop on one end for your finger, and leave the other one as is.
Step 3: Using It
When you shoot your sling you need either marble, golf ball, or rock. Then take the loop and slip it on your middle finger and your pointer finger and thumb to hold the other string. Now load in your ammunition and begin swinging your sling in a circle. Once the pouch lines up with your target release the normal non looped string.