Introduction: Pasta Pizza
Pasta pizza is a brilliant use for your old spaghetti
- Stops waste as a pasta portion is always hard to guess
- Is great to take on a picnic / lunch at work
- If you like flipping pancakes and cannot wait until shrove Tuesday
- Tastes great
- Easy to store
This recipe was passed down from my Neapolitan grandmother. Hope you enjoy it to
Step 1: Ingredients
Spaghetti [250g filled my pan in this instructable]
Parmesan or grana padano or pecorino
Passata or tomato sauce
Some eggs
Salt/ pepper
Butter / olive oil
Step 2: Collect Your Eggs From the Chicken
If you don't have a chicken then geese, quail or turkey eggs will do
Step 3: Boil Up Your Pasta
You can skip this step if you have some leftover spaghetti from the night before
Step 4: I Use the Core Method to Tell When Pasta Is Done
Core method
take a piece of pasta break in half and check the core
Al dente core is present and 1mm thick
Soggy no core present
Step 5: Drain the Pasta
Step 6: Add Olive Oil and Butter to Your Pasta
This makes pasta taste great. This has been passed down as a family secret for years enjoy.
It also helps stop the pasta forming one starchy mess. If you are using pasta cooked the day before the pizza works best if oil was added at the time; It will still work but might look a little less neat
Step 7: Add Some Pepper
Step 8: Mix Four Large Eggs and Grate the Cheese
I used about a quarter of the cheese shown in the photo
Step 9: Here Are the Amounts Added
Step 10: Add the Eggs
Step 11: Add the Cheese
Step 12: Stir Until All the Egg and Cheese Is Mixed Evenly Through the Pasta
Step 13: Place in Preheated Frying Pan [make Sure Pan Has a Little Oil]
Step 14: Cook for 4 Minutes on a Moderate Heat [my Hob Was on 4]
You can tell it is done by using a spatula to tease the edge of the pasta pizza away from the pan. If it holds its shape without breaking it is ready to be flipped.
Step 15: The Tricky Part
Once your are sure the pasta pizza is holding together okay then it is ready to be flipped.
1) Place plate on pan
2) Flip the plate and pan over 180 degrees
3) If this has worked then the pasta pizza should be on the plate
4) Now slide the pasta pizza back into the pan from the plate
Step 16: Successful Pasta Pizza on Plate
Step 17: Pasta Pizza
Once the pasta pizza has been flipped then you have a 2 options
1) top the pizza
2) eat as is
Untopped pasta pizza is easier for travel and tastes great. However topped looks better
Step 18: Topping: Add Passata
Step 19: Place Some Mozzarella
Step 20: Place Basil
Once topped place in the over for 10 minutes to brown the mozzarella. My oven was set at 180 degrees.
Step 21: Enjoy the Finished Pasta Pizza
It goes very well with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon