Introduction: Payment Terminal for the Visually Challenged
Aim of this project is to improve the experience of the visually challenged, while making cashless transactions in public.
What is a payment terminal?
A point of sale terminal (POS terminal) is an electronic device used to process card payments at retail locations.Nowadays payment terminals are used almost everywhere to accept digital payments / transactions in local stores, coffee shops, hospitals, hotels, etc.
Arduino UNOU
RFID reader (generic)
4 * 3 Keypad
Light Dependent Resistor
SD card
Hot glue gun (generic)
Step 1: Headphones Installation
The headphones would be first put on by the user. LDR detects whether the headphones are properly put on. It ensures the saftey while the transaction is processed. The transaction gets cancelled if the headphones are removed.
Step 2: Scanning the Card
The card is swiped/ read by the RFID reader/magnetic strip sensor and checks whether the card is valid or not. If it is not valid then it stops the program.
Step 3: Register the Entered Numbers
The input is taken from the numpad keys attached to the Arduino board.
Step 4: Sound Start Play
The appropriate audio (.mp3) files are played that are stored onto the SD card.
Step 5: The Inner Shape of the Box and the Circuit Connection
The wires are connected in a more arranged order to enable all the elements to be seen