Introduction: Peltier Based Refrigerator

About: Innovative Electrical Engineer with a proven track record of evaluating electrical systems and applying knowledge of electricity and materials in a beneficial way. Adept in carefully diagnosing and assessing i…


This DIY refrigerator is based upon 12V 5A power supply with 4 cooling fans with Heat sinks. This instructable is a step-by-step tutorial showing you how to make your homemade cooler.

This DIY fridge uses the Peltier effect, which is the presence of heating or cooling at an electrified junction of two different conductors. Powering the TEC-12706 module will thus generate a cold side and a hot side. The efficiency of this Peltier fridge depends on its ability to efficiently dissipate the cold/heat generated using heat sinks and fans.

With a similar setup, you can expect a 10-15 Celsius temperature difference between the DIY cooler and ambient temperature. In Fahrenheit, it went from 70 to 50 degrees. For this DIY project, I used the ATX power supply and heat sinks from the computer as well as a Styrofoam cooler box inside a cardboard casing. I had, but feel free to use another type of power supply or cooler box. It’s a cool electronic gadget and it's cheap and easy to build! I hope you’ll enjoy!

Step 1: Making Casing for Heat Dissipation Cooling Setup.


I made the casing from cardboard with right measurements corresponding to the CPU cooler fans with heat sinks.

I used two CPU fans for effective cooling of the heat sinks connected to each peltier module. the heat dissipated from the peltier module is transferred to the heat sinks of the CPU fans and then cooled by the 12V Brushless DC setup of the fans.

You can use any other material for making the casing. Just make sure to provide proper vents by drilling/cutting holes at the sides for letting the air IN and OUT.

Step 2: Cutting and Placing the Peltier Module With Thermal Compound and Heat Sinks

Joining/connecting the peltier with Heat sinks

This was a part you have to take care. The heat sinks should be of correct size i.e; 4x4.

Note: Larger heat sinks may cause less cooling and catches the heat dissipation from the backside.

After joining both the cool part heat sinks, we have to make a cooling exhaust which transfers and regulates the cool air inside the Styrofoam casing.



I just needed my 12v 2A DC powered Drill machine for drilling exact holes in the cardboard and Fitting purposes.

  • I used a 50W-220v soldering iron for the connections.
  • A hot glue gun for temporary fixing of the components further replaced by the permanent super glue.



Step 4: Choosing the Correct Power Supply!

I used a 12V 5A power Adapter for powering all the components including 4-12v CPU fans and 2-12V peltier modules.


Using power supply below 5A will work but do not perfectly power all your components, resulting more heat dissipation and no cooling

Step 5: Making the Perfect Cooling Exhaust.

CPU exhaust using cardboard and CPU fans

I made this exhaust using the normal CPU exhaust fan coating the sides with appropriate cardboard outlines.

We have to make slots for the air at the sides to Let the air come in to revolve inside the refrigerator.

Step 6: Final Step! Making the Cooling Area Casing!

I used appropriate cardboard lengths to make a cuboidical casing for the refrigerator open from back-bottom for the exhaust part to be set in. After setting in all the parts, Glue it properly with no air gas from the back part.


After this I used Styrofoam to cover the inner parts of the refrigerator as Styrofoam is a bad conductor of heat and cooling processes or cooling appliances uses light materials most likely Styrofoam to enhance the cooling process in a confined area.

Step 7: TADA! Refgerator Is Ready!


I used a acrylic glass to make the door for the refrigerator, after all without a door, the cooling process results NULL.

SORRY, for the final part. I haven't took pictures. But the Refrigerator cools really fast due to twin peliter module.