Introduction: Pencil Holder for Notebooks
This is a detailed explanation on a particular step of an earlier project "Moleksine Notebook Mods". This is my first time working with a video explainer so I'm happy to take comments on whether this is useful, if some voice over would be better, maybe text on the video.
The advantage to making your own holder is that you can build it for your own favourite pen, even a space pen
The advantage to making your own holder is that you can build it for your own favourite pen, even a space pen
Step 1: Stick Pencil to Spine
Two pieces of masking tape are the core of the pencil holder. Rolled sticky side out over the pen/pencil and then stuck to the spine of the notebook
Step 2: Cover Either Side
With the pencil still in the central 'tube' lay a length of tape sticky side downso that one edge is on the center of the 'tube'. Repeat for both sides so that they both cover the sticky center tube and overlap on to the notebook
Step 3: Cover Top
Final fifth piece of tape goes on to give a little rigidity to the structure. If you wanted you can lay down another two pieces either side if you think the pencil holder is going to take a little abuse
Step 4: Tidy Up
snip off the excess masking tape and cut the 'tube' to make room for any clips or such features of your pen/cil