Introduction: Perfect Hot Chocolate to Beat the Cold in 4 Easy Steps!

Ever wanted to make the perfect hot chocolate to beat the cold? Here's my favorite way of making it for you to enjoy!


Kettle or pot for boiling the water

Warm or already fairly hot water

A cute mug

Hot chocolate

A spoon or stirring stick

Step 1: Boil the Water

First, boil your water until steam is coming out fairly quickly

Step 2: Add Mix

While the water is boiling, add a few spoonful's of hot chocolate mix to your mug

Step 3: Add the Water

Next add the boiled water to your mug and stir until the clumps have all disappeared. I find that the best way to get rid of them quickly is to stir in one direction, and then quickly switch to the other direction a few times.

Step 4: (Optional) Add Some Milk, Cream, or Marshmallows

You can add milk or cream to cool the water down. And if you want to, add marshmallows to make it taste even better!

Step 5: Enjoy

Finally, enjoy your hot chocolate! My favorite way to enjoy it is to watch one of my favorite tv shows, but you can do want you want from here. Enjoy!