Introduction: Pickle Lamp
So I was collecting maple sap to make maple syrup at night using flashlights. I went to pick up a bottle of water and my flashlight beam hit the water and dispersed the light "kinda cool! looks like a lamp." Later I was carrying groceries inside when the same thing happened to a jar of pickles "Wow that looks like an even cooler lamp."
Step 1: Materials
- pickle jar (or other type of canned foods)
- light
- wood
- super glue
- baking soda
- fake candle
- saw
- drill
- hole saw
Step 2: Cut and Chisel
First cut out three pieces of 3 1/2 in. x 3 1/2 in. Then, with a 3in hole saw, cut a hole in two of the squares. Next, "hollow" out the 3rd piece of wood.
Step 3: Make Space for the Switch
Now, in the middle of the front (any side) saw a space for your switch.
Step 4: Glue It All Together
Using your favorite glue, glue the pieces of wood together. Once it is dry, drill a small hole in the back.
Step 5: Install the Light
First, cut the electrical cord a few inches from the bulb. Next, solder the cord with the dots on it to one of the terminals and solder the other cord with the dots on it to the other terminal.
Step 6: Glue the Jar On
To glue the jar on mix baking soda with super glue and spread it around the jar.