Introduction: Picture Frame Chalkboard Door
This was a school project that required us to reuse items from Habitat for Humanity Restore. This is what we created.
Step 1: Paint the Door
First, we painted the door white to cover up any marks it had. The door was only primed when we purchased it.
Step 2: Creating Hangers
We bought black shelving supports and made them into hangers by cutting off the top disk and grinding the sharp edges off. Then we repainted them black.
Step 3: Removed Plastic
The door had plastic covering on the glass which we left on for the painting process. We used exacto-knives to cut the edges and peel it off.
Step 4: Sanding
We sanded the door in random areas to make it look aged. We used palm sanders and block sanders to achieve this.
Step 5: Aging With Brown Paint
We used brown paint applied with cloths to add to the aging effect. We mostly applied this to the edges of the door.
Step 6: Predrill Holes
We decided to do an alternate pattern of picture frames and chalkboard paint. In the panels that housed the picture frames, we had to predrill holes for plastic clips to hold the glass in.
Step 7: Installing Hooks
We had 5 hooks in total and installed them centered underneath each panel along the bottom of the door, approximately 1" off the edge of the door.
Step 8: Painting & Paper
We cut pieces of black Bristol board for matting behind the pictures. Then we inserted the pictures and glass. Next we painted the rest of the panels with chalkboard paint. Seven panels are picture frames, and eight are chalkboard paint.
Step 9: Paint Curing
We covered the door with paper and let the paint cure for 24 hours.
Step 10: Chalking
Before you can write on the chalkboard paint, the entire surface has to be covered in chalk to prevent permanent marks.
Step 11: Finished Product
We also left the hinges on the door as a hanging mechanism. Here is the finished product.