Introduction: #hercules2016 Pinecone Bird Feeder
You will make a simple bird feeder using a pinecone, peanut butter, and bird seed.
Step 1: Gather What You Need
*if you are local #Hercules2016, try looking on Falcon under the trees
- peanut butter
-duct or gorilla tape
-birdseed (I got mine at Big Lots)
*if you are local #Hercules2016, try looking on Falcon under the trees
- peanut butter
-duct or gorilla tape
-birdseed (I got mine at Big Lots)
Step 2: Attach String
Take the string and use the tape to attach it to the top of the pinecone.
Step 3: Spreading the Peanut Butter
Take the knife and spread the peanut butter around the pinecone. Make sure to fill in the holes.
Step 4: Add the Bird Seed
Sprinkle the bird seed over the peanut butter until it sticks.
Step 5: Hang Your Feeder Outside
Go outside and find a spot to hang your feeder for the birds!