Introduction: Piston Clock
I saw a piston clock on ebay for silly money and thought what's the point
in buying one when you can easily make one for much much less
all you will need is
1 piston
1 clock insert (can be brought here
Measure your hole first before buying mine meassure at 2" but the clock says 2" but comes smaller and has a rubber ring around it so it fits 2" which was perfect you can buy these cheaper but i liked this design this seller has cheaper different ones tho
Super glue
tools you will need are
1 small flat headed screw driver
Step 1: Dismantling Your Piston.
Right so i'm assuming you have the piston out of the engine
Please don't go and destroy a good engine for this project just pick a piston up from a scrappy or broken engine
first give it a good clean so you can see what you are doing then
locate the snap ring and using your small flat head screw driver prise it out freeing the gudgeon pin (be careful when doing this as they tend to ping out at speed, goggles are advisable)
then slide the gudeon pin out of the piston this should release the actual piston from the con rod
undo the two bolts on the top and it should release the cap like in the picture there will be shells in this part they can be discarded
There is a picture at the end of this Instructables showing you the break down of the piston
Step 2: Cleaning You Piston
Right so this part is pretty simple fill up a washing up bowl with hot water and soap and scrub until there is no dirty left
(an optional part if you want the piston darker is to oven heat it to dry it it seems to darken the metal down but be careful as the piston stays hot for ages)
Step 3: Assembly
So now you have a broken apart piston that is nice and clean and dry
time to put it back together its exactly the reverse of how you took it apart
stand con rod into piston
slide gudgeon pin into con rod and piston
push the snap clip back into place (be careful this can be tricky and can again ping off but with a little persistence it will go back in)
then put the cap and bolts back on
now stand you piston on its top and stand the con rod upright
while holding it still put some super glue drops down the side of the con rod making sure your con rod stays straight while it sets this only takes a few minutes if that
Step 4: Inserting the Clock Face
right so now your con rod is glued and set in its place unscrew your cap slightly and insert you clock face
Measure your hole first before buying clock face
my hole measured at 2" but the clock says 2" but comes smaller and has a rubber ring around it so it fits 2" which was perfect you can buy these cheaper but I liked this design this seller has cheaper different ones though
And your done
Pretty simple job really took me about 20 minutes from start to finish excluding waiting for my clock face to turn up