Introduction: Plex-Art

About: We are students of the Fabrication Technology class at Wayne Hills High School. We are a group of kids who are passionate about engineering and woodworking. We hope that you enjoy what we put out!

Plex-Art is a fun decoration for anyone. This especially makes a great gift for kids who need a night light. This is completely customizable; which makes it great for everyone. We used Adobe Illustrator, but you could use any 2-D design software. Enjoy making this and letting your creative juices flow!



-Access To AutoCAD

-Laser cutter/engraver

-LED bases (we used these ) (copy and paste into browser)

Step 1: Choose Your Image

Open up your preferred web browser and search up any image of your choice. Choosing something that could be traced more easily will be better. Once you have chosen your image, download it.

Step 2: Insert Image Into CAD

Insert your image into AutoCAD and trace it so that if you were able to take away the image you could tell what it is. In order to insert the image go to Insert Tab>References Panel>Attach. To add the lines go to Draw Panel>Line. This is the hardest part so if you can complete this, everything else is smooth sailing.

Step 3: Convert to Appropriate File Type

In order to be able to laser cut the image into the plexiglass, you are going to need to convert it into the file type that your machine uses. I recommend using Convertio which is completely free and very quick.

Step 4: Laser and Finish

Once you have converted the file you are good to let your machine run! Once it is done you are ready to take it out a have a brand new decoration for your room!