Introduction: Pokemon Cheat: Get Unlimited Rare Candies

Is Pokemon too hard for you? With this cheat you will be able to get unlimited rare candies, and get your Pokemon to level 100.

Materials Needed:
Pokemon red or blue version
1 rare candy 
Pokemon that can fly
Pokemon that can surf
Access to Cinnabar Island

Step 1: Turn on Gameboy

Turn the switch to the "ON" position.

Step 2: Travel to Viridian City

Head over to the northwest corner of the city and then continue northward.

Step 3: Put a Rare Candy Sixth on Your Item List

Press "START"
Go to "ITEMS"
Press "SELECT"
Scroll to the sixth item on the list
Press "SELECT" again
This will switch the rare candy to the sixth item on your list

Step 4: Talk to the Bald Man That Is on the Path

Step 5: When He Asks If You Are in a Hurry Select "NO"

He will give you a short tutorial on how to capture Pokemon. It is not necessary to pay attention. 

Step 6: Fly to Cinnabar Island

Step 7: Go to the Western Coast of the Island and Use Surf.

Surf up and down along the coast until you run into a wild Missingno. If any other Pokemon appear, do not waste time with them, just run away.

Step 8: Run Away From Missingno

WARNING: Do not attempt to capture Missingno. He is a virus Pokemon and will cause problems for your game.

Step 9: You Now Have Unlimited Rare Candies!