Introduction: Pollination: the Mini, Minigolf Game!
Pollination is the process that allows plants to reproduce. In some cases, the wind and rain blows pollen between plants, which causes pollen to transfer to the female reproductive part of the plant. However, most plants need bees and other insects to pollinate from one plant to the next. This game will help you teach your children how this process works practically in a fun and engaging way.
For more information on pollination to help with your teaching here are some good links;
You will need;
Toilet paper tubes,
Colourful paper,
Colouring pens/pencils,
A spoon,
A small ball or scrap paper.
Step 1: Making Flowers
First you will need a toilet roll tube.
Step 2: Making the Stem
Cut a piece of green paper to the size of your tube.
Step 3: Making the Stem 2
Fold the paper around the tube.
Step 4: Making the Stem 3
Stick (with glue or tape) the coloured paper to the tube.
*If you don't have coloured paper, you can always use colouring pens/pencils to decorate the tube.
Step 5: Slits for Flower
Make TWO cuts about 1" in the top of your stem, at opposite sides.
Step 6: Cutting the Flower
Draw a rough outline and cut out your flower.
Step 7: Flower and Stem
Push your flower into the two slits in the top of the stem.
Step 8: Cutting the Leaves
Draw an outline of TWO leaves and cut them out.
Step 9: Leaves and Stem
Use glue/tape to attach the leaves to the stem.
Step 10: *Optional; Ball
If you don't have a small ball you could screw up a scrap piece of paper or foil.
Step 11: Play POLLINATION: a Mini, Minigolf Game!
Now it is up to you to create your course. Place one flower as your starting point and a second flower as your goal. You need to get the bee (ball) from one to the other in order to pollinate. To do this you use a spoon to 'flick' the ball towards the next flower.
Take it in turns and see who takes the least amount of 'flicks'.
The winner gets to set up the next 'hole'.
Be as creative as possible. Make water hazards, sand traps, use different heights and textures to play on. Use these obstacles to talk to your children about challenges that bees and insects would have whilst pollinating.