Introduction: Pong Game on Scratch

About: i really like to make things and I'm happy to be part of one of the friendliest communities online

Ever had a grown always that you keep on playing games made by other people instead of making your own?

I have. So to silence them i thought of making my own game,one from scratch.

Usually when people think of making games,they think of a long complicated process,but its actually quite easy.

All you will need is:

A computer

An active scratch account

And you your good to go!

Step 1: The Backdrop

First we need to add a backdrop,for this one I'll use NEON TUNNEL but you can use any backdrop of your choosing

Step 2: The Sprites

To add sprites,click on the cat sign at the bottom right of the screen.

I used a ball and a paddle,but you can use just about anything

Step 3: Coding the Ball

Start with WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED block,then put a POINT IN DIRECTION 90 block under it.

Then take out a FOREVER block and inside it place a MOVE 10 STEPS block and an IF ON EDGE BOUNCE block. After that,take out an IF block from control,take out a TOUCHING block and select PADDLE.Put this in the IF block.Takeout a TURN 15 DEGREES block from motion,set it to 180 degrees then put it inside the IF block.

Step 4: Coding the Paddle

To code the paddle,start by taking out a WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED block and a FOREVER block and inside it put a SET X TO block. Then go to SENSING and take out MOUSE X block and put it in the SET X TO block.

Now just add a score and some levels and you have a game!