Introduction: Portable Trash Can

I made a portable trash can in order to help with the problem of trash pollution.


I used an aluminum tube, Cardboard and plastic

Step 1:

First I stared coming up with ideas and I created a 3D model for my product. First I added the tube because it was one of the first and most important parts.

Step 2:

Then I needed to add a base to prevent trash from falling out. I wanted to make it look as good as possible so I added this base.

Step 3:

For the last step in the 3D model, I added a Handle to make sure the item is easy to take with you.

Step 4:

Next I made my ideas come to life and started to build my design. First I got this metal tube in order to start with the base.

Step 5:

I next added a cardboard to make sure the trash would not come out.

Step 6:

Next I added a handle so this trash can will be easy to carry around. You can take this off if you need to add a bigger object that would not fit with the handle on. Ex. Soda Can and bottles.