Introduction: Priority One

I am a student 'Multimedia and creative technologies' and for school i had to make a project.

The project is a Home security system, that ensures to keep your home safe;

To do that we use sensors to check if someone is inside the house.

We can check movement inside the building by using an Infrared movementsensor, Hall sensor and a ultrasonic sound sensor. They all work their own way and detect specific types of movement. The Hall sensor is dedicated to checking doors/windows, the infrared movement sensor can detect changes in position and the distance sensor checks if someone walked through the line.


For this Project you need:

  • Raspberry pi

I chose the raspberry pi for this project because it was necessary for our school project and it's also a perfect device for the project.

  • RC-522 RFID tag

I chose an RFID tag to turn the alarm on and off, it's a lot easier to use than to type a code

  • mini oled display

As a display i used a mini oled, it might be a small screen, but it's still really visible and does everything you need for this project

  • DS18B20 one wire sensor

I used the one wire temperature sensor, because it's easy to use and you you can plug it into the raspberry pi directly

  • breadboard 3.3V power supply

To power the RFID, one wire and oled display i used a external 3.3V power supply, you can also use the 3.3V from the Raspberry pi, but it's safer to do it this way

  • (optional T-cobbler)

A T-cobbler is optional, it can make building a project like this a lot more fun for beginners

  • Arduino

To read in all the other sensors i have, i use a Arduino, the sensors require 5V, so the arduino was the perfect fit for that, you can choose from different types of arduino's, but i used a UNO

  • HC-SR04 ultrasonic sound sensor

I used the distance calculation from the sensor to create a trip wire effect. When something passes the distance changes and the alarm will be triggered

  • MQ4 gas sensor

The gas sensor is meant to read CO- values, I find it important, especially in homes were you still you open gas heating and where the CO-values can rapidly change.

  • Hall sensor

To look if a door is opened i use a hall sensor, this sensor mesures magnetic field between a magnet and the sensor, when the magnetic field is too weak, the door has been opened

  • PIR sensor

I use a PIR to mesure movement in more open rooms, when someone walks into the room the signal goes high and you know someone is there

  • relais
  • 12V siren
  • 12V power supply

The relais, 12V siren, 12V power supply are for the sound effects, to alart potential neighbours, and the criminals that an alarm has been triggered

Step 1: Fritzing

Here you can see how everything is put together, you can see a Breadboard view as well as a electronic view.

You can connect the Arduino and Raspberry pi using USB ( or optional a level shifter ). We'll need to have these connected to make sure we can have Serial communciation between the 2 devices.

Step 2: Raspberry Pi Configuration

We got a Rasbian image from school that already had a couple things set-up, but you'll have to create an image yourself.

1) Download Rasbian


You will have different option, the best to use if you are starting off is the Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and recommended software. This version will have a lot of things already pre-installed that will make working with the Rpi a lot more fun and easy.

2) Setting up the image

For this step you will need a SD-card minimum 8gb, maximum 32gb, preferred 16gb.

You can use and existing SD-card and format it in disk-part or other applications

For disk part, just type in disk-part in the windows search bar and open it.

list all the disks

list disk

than you will see the disks available on your device

you will see a disk with 16gb and to the left of it it will have it's name, example: disk 1

you can select this disk by:

select disk 1

It should say it has selected disk 1

To clean the disk just type:


3) Writing the image

To write the image onto the SD-card i used win32 disk imager


in this program, you can select your sd-card and the image file and write it onto the SD-card

4) Connecting via SSH

once everything is written onto the sd-card you can go to it's directory and there should be a file named 'cmdline.txt', you can open it with notepad and add on the end of the line 'ip=' and save the file

You also have to create a file named 'ssh' without any extension.

You can now eject the SD-card, but do it with the safe eject feature from windows.

Once this is done, you can insert the SD-card into the Raspberry pi and connect a LAN cable from the computer to the Raspberry pi

5) Connect to Computer

To connect to the Raspberry via SSH we need another program, called putty


you can open this and insert ip:'' and connect to port '22' and connection type SSH

now you can see a command line appear that's asking you for a login, the default user is 'pi' and it's password is 'raspberry', but you can change this.

6) settings

to get into root:

sudo -i

and to acces the raspberry pi's configuration:


Inside the interfacing section, you can enable one-wire, SPI, I2C and Serial communication.

7) internet connection

To add wifi to the project you have to use a command: ( SSID is network name )

wpa_passphrase "ssid" "password" >> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

than you have to reconfigure the network settings.

getting into WPA_command line:


select wireless lan interface:

interface wlan0

reconfigure wlan:


Wifi should be set up now

8) software

first of you'll have to update the existing software on the Raspberry pi:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

install apache2:

apt install apache2 -y

install mariaDB:

apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client -y

getting the python packages ready:

pip3 install flask-cors
pip3 install flask-socketio
pip3 install mysql-conector-python
pip3 install gevent
pip3 install gevent-websocket

Step 3: Database

For the database I made 3 tables. The first one is for the location, e.g. kitchen, hall, garden, ...

The second one is for the device, I use different kinds of devices, like RFID tag, temp sensor, IR, ... so I labeled them there.

And the last table is for the history, everything that happend you can see there. For example, the front door has opened, so now we see a row appear that the front door has opened.

Step 4: Back-end

To create a link between the database and the front end, we'll need a backend.
For this project i used Python ( and Flask ) to do this.

I made multiples threads so multiple things could be done. We made the backend listen to the arduino, register temperature, check on front-end messages via socketio and made the backend send socketio messages with the new sensor values to the front-end.

There are also multiple threads running on the back-end, there is a RFID loop, temperature loop and a main loop, where all the other things are inside.

We also have a DataRepository, you can find the SQL-statements inside there.

You can find a link to the code in step 6.

Step 5: Front-end Website

For the web interface i went with a simple and clear interface, where colors and icons help you to navigate. You can see a picture of the wireframes i made to design to web-interface.

I recreated these wireframes using HTML & CSS.

To show backend information i used Javascript, so everything could update in real-time with socketio.

All the code is available on step 6

Step 6: Code

All the code is available on github:

Step 7: Case

For the case i used model cardboard, it's a good material to use, because it's easy to cut and it's decently strong and really light.

I also made a couple of attributes to give the model a nicer look and to create the home environment.

It also has a compartment for all of the electronics so you can easily get to them.