Introduction: Quick Organizer (made With a Discarded Keyboard)

About: I'm Mario Caicedo Langer (M.C. for short), a Colombian STEAM educator living in Azerbaijan, BSc in Naval Sciences, Master in Toy Design, former Navy officer, and STEM certified Master Trainer. I am a CAD and 3…
This is my second instructable of my artistic residence, born of the need of having an organizer for my tools and materials. So I took a discarded ergonomic keyboard, two plastic containers (found with the colander of my last instructable, on the back alley of a Chinesse restaurant. Again, don't ask!), a plastic piece for balance, bolts and nuts; and I made a basic organizer with two shelves. It took me twenty minutes and it's a good way to recycle your damaged keyboard, it doen't matter the shape.

Oh, and this is my fiftieth instructable! :-)

Step 1: Materials

For this organizer I used:
  • 2 plastic containers (washed, cleaned and desinfected)
  • 1 Damaged ergonomic keyboard
  • Some plastic piece (for back support)
  • 1 Corner brace inside L (2in. x 5/8in.)
  • Nuts, bolts and washers.
  • 3 Screws (for hanging the pliers)


Dremel Rotary Tool
Wire cutters
Screwdriver kit
Super Glue

And don't forget:

1. If you don't have it, replace it!
2. Use protective equipment (dust mask and goggles)
3. Beware of drilled and soldered hot surfaces
4. Work in a good ventilated area.
5. Always have junk in stock.
6. Have fun.

Step 2: First Shelf

You must work over a flat surface as a table. Take the first container and attach the keyboard bigger part. Check stability. Probably the keyboard will be too heavy, so this problem will be fixed on the next step.

Step 3: Back Support

For stability (remember: you will put stuff in both shelves) you have to make a back support I used a plastic piece attached thanks to the corner brace. Fix it to the first shelf.

Step 4: Second Shelf

Take the other container and put it on top. Attach it the same way the first shelf.

Step 5: Final Touches

Remove stickers, clean, put the screws on the center of the keyboard if you want to take advantage of the center space of the keyboard for hanging tools. Put some Instructables stickers and... finish!