Introduction: Rasperino - Autonomous/Web Controlled Raspberry Pi & Arduino Robot
Personal summer project.
Code (~ 2500 lines) and info:
Pictures from the build:
Main hardware:
1x Arduino Uno
1x Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
1x Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2
1x DFRobot 4WD Arduino Mobile Platform (
2x L298 Dual H-Bridge DC Motor Controller (
5x Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F IR Range Sensor - 10cm to 80cm (
1x Power bank
- Autonomous navigation of simple mazes.
- Basic computer vision for detection of "color signs".
- Video streaming. - Web interface for manual control and monitoring (desktop & mobile).
- PD controller.
- The Arduino reads and filters the IR sensors, implements the PD controller, controls the motor controllers via PVM and runs a state mahcine for autonomous navigation.
- The Raspberry Pi acts as a webserver, streams live video and runs a basic computer vision algorithm.
- The Arduino sends sensor and status data to the Raspberry Pi over serial (USB cable), which in turn sends this (and video streaming data) to the web page over wifi.
- User input is sent from the web page to the Raspberry Pi over wifi, which in turn sends this to the Arduino over serial.