Introduction: Recycled DIY Tangram Inspired Modular Carpet

About: Maker guy with a lot of love for paper and cardboard. Recently also working with recycled plastics. other related interests are photography, youtube, recycling, etc :-)

Recently posted another carpet tiles based project and this one is it's follow up :) Different shape, different possibilities! Hope you like it :)

This low budget DIY project is about using new but leftover carpet tiles and transform them into a modern looking colourful rug for your home :).

A lot of stores that sell floor finishings and/or do carpeting projects have a stack of cheap leftover carpet tiles laying around. These leftovers are often a large mix of all sorts and colors so they are not suitable for finishing an entire room anymore. Mostly these never used tiles end up in a dirty garage or shed, they get thrown away or get installed at some place where a super low budget floor finishing is needed and aesthetics is no big deal. In most cases it’s a downgrade of a functional new quality product and that is just a sad thing. Therefore i came up with a simple solution; get rid of the limited pattern possibilities of the standard squares and cut them into different shapes, so the variety of color will become a big plus instead of a problem! :-) this video is the third of a few tutorials i will make about this idea and hopefully you will be inspired to save some carpet tiles and money for your own :) IMPORTANT: Think about your safety! Make sure you are good prepared and use good tools before you begin! Cutting the carpet tiles is a job that you must take serious, because it’s a tough and durable material and needs a lot of force to be cut. Only use rulers that have high edges ( to block the knife from leaving its direction and might hurt your hand ). Don’t do this project alone, for safety reasons. Use sharp blades since this will save a lot of your energy. The blades become blunt easily because of the strong backing of the tiles.

Step 1: Collect & Mark Your Carpet Tile


- 7+ leftover carpet tiles for your tangram carpet, so that every individual part of the tangram puzzle has it’s own colour. Bright colours work very good for this project :)

Try not to bring Boucle carpet tiles because once they are cut… their edges are very rough and often disturb the pattern lines ( creating ugly gaps ) Frieze carpet tiles work very good! - 1 cutting mat, could be discarded wood or anything actually - 1 stanley knife + new blades - 1 large roll of duct tape or gaffer tape, only use good quality stuff - 1 ruler with a good high cutting edge or use a straight metal profile with high edges and handle bar. In best case, your ruler or profile has hand grips that make it more easy to put pressure on the tile and stay away from the knife. BE CAREFUL! - 1 thin white marker, i used a Posca fine liner. You can also make a light mark with your knife, so you don’t need any marker.


Take one of your tiles and flip it over. Now draw the tangram system on to the back of the tile.

Step 2: Cut the Tile in the Tangram Shapes

cut your tile into the tangram shapes and be as precise as you can get, for best fit later on. Watch out with cutting!

Step 3: Repeat Previous Steps With the Other Carpet Tiles

repeat the marking & cutting proces with the other tiles you have so you will have all the parts ready for your final carpet :)

Step 4: Puzzle Time!

puzzle on the floor until you have found the design you like best

Step 5: Assembling Time! :-)

use the duct tape to connect all the individual parts. flip your design over ( carefully ) and add tape strips on all connections to make sure every part is well fixed. you are ready! :-) time to enjoy your hard work.