Introduction: Replacing/Installing Grip Tape on Your Scooter

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Weither you've got a new complete, bought a fresh deck, or your tape's dirty grip tape is something you'll need to replace at some point. Most scooter shops will do this for you, but being that they are far spread it's something you might want to know.

Step 1: Things You Will Need

  • A strip of grip tape (In most cases, if you buy from a scooter shop the grip will come as a single, deck sized strip. If buying online, you will want to make sure. Most of the time a strip costs $5.00 while a sheet cost around $12.00.)
  • An Allen Key, or something similar
  • Pocket knife

Step 2: Peel Off the Old Tape

First, start by peeling off your old grip tape. Do this by wedging up a corner with the knife, then slowly pull it up and off your deck. You can discard the old grip tape.

Step 3: Applying the Grip

Next, peel of the back of the tape. Fit the brake slot around your brake/back wheel well. If the piece you bought doesn't have a break slot, messure the break/wheel well on your deck and cut one out.

Stick the grip tape on slowly, starting at the brake and working up to the head tube. Once it is completely on flatten it out with the Allen Key. Watch those air bubbles!!

Step 4: Cutting Off the Exsess Grip

Now that the tape is on your deck, you might notice the overhang of grip tape (check out the pictures). Getting rid of this to have clean edges is simple. First run the Allen Key down the edge of your deck multiple times to make a crease (Picture 1). Next, run the pocket knife along the length, cutting the crease (Picture 2). Easy peasy.

Step 5: Enjoy!

Now that you can ride without slipping, go out and shred!