Introduction: Rice Krispy Treats #HMS2018

Rice Krispy treats are sweet marshmallow treats that everyone can enjoy!

Step 1: Ingredients

To make the rice krispie treats, you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter
  • 4 cups of marshmallows (kraft, jet puffed)
  • 6 cups of rice krispies (kellogg's brand is the best)

Step 2: Directions

These are the directions on how you could make rice crispy treats!

  1. Over low heat, melt your butter in a saucepan
  2. When the butter is melted, add your marshmallows
  3. Mix until both is melted evenly
  4. Turn off the heat
  5. Mix in your cereal
  6. Transfer mixture into a BUTTERED or BAKING LINED SHEET pan *so they won't stick*
  7. Let your mixture cool and cut it up

Step 3: Completed Treat!

For easier clean up, soak the pan in hot water for a few minutes! Clean pan as usual.

Enjoy your treats and share with friends or family!