Introduction: Final Result of Rocco

About: I'm retired and have been into crafts for over 60 yrs. I hope to enter more contest. currently still trying to tackle the publishing process.

I mixed water with some of the paint, I mixed the light blue with the blue green for some of the shading.

Step 1: Rocco

Rocco Full process

Step 2: Supplies


Acrylic paint, Blue, Lt blue, Blue green, Yellow, Off white, Black A variety of brushes Ruler the metal with cork backing works the best Grid formula Paste Index cards use these cards helps to highlight the square you are working on Pallet to mix paints Water Paper towel Qtips,

Step 3: Grid Lines on Photo

this photo is a 4 x 6 so I marked it off by 1 in squares

Step 4: Grid on Canvas

To make the grid:

Original photo is a 4 x 6 I enlarged to a ratio of 3:1 4x3=12 6x3=18

It’s important to have the same number of squares across and down on photo as you do on the canvas.
For this first photo I made the grid lnes on the canvas dark so you can see it. Normally I would make very light so they can be erased.

Step 5: Draft on Canvas

Working Square by sq draw in the view of each square onto the canvas, I used the index cards to highlight the square you are working on.