Introduction: Rubber Band Bracelet
Step 1: What You Need
What you need...
Rubber bands for making the bracelets (you can get at a craft store)
C clips or paper clips I'm using c clips
Rubber bands for making the bracelets (you can get at a craft store)
C clips or paper clips I'm using c clips
Step 2: Grab One
Start by getting 1 rubber band
Step 3: Pinch
Pinch it together
Step 4: Get Another
Get another rubber band ....
Pinch it the same way
Pinch it the same way
Step 5: Pinch and Place
Place one rubber band in front of the other one
One sideways and the other going up and down (the one going up and down is the one in the back) (the rubber band in the front is sideways)
The one going up and down you ate going to use first,
Hold the rubber bands in one hand still one sideways and the other going up and down, the one going up and down you are going to grab the bottom and pull it over the top part of threat same rubber band. Pull it tight
One sideways and the other going up and down (the one going up and down is the one in the back) (the rubber band in the front is sideways)
The one going up and down you ate going to use first,
Hold the rubber bands in one hand still one sideways and the other going up and down, the one going up and down you are going to grab the bottom and pull it over the top part of threat same rubber band. Pull it tight
Step 6: Put It Through
Get another rubber band push it through the loops of the beginning rubber bands
Step 7: Pinch and Put It Through
Slightly pinch the rubber band push another rubber band through do this several times (small wrists 19) (larger writs 20-23)
Step 8: Finish Rubber Bands
To do the finishing rubber band you have to put it through like you have been doing the past several times but this time push one end of the rubber band though the other end like shown in the photo
Step 9: Pull
.....then pull tight
Step 10: Does It Look the Same?
This photo should look like what yours is supposed to look like
Step 11: C Clips
But now, get your "C clip"
Step 12: Stretch and Place
Stretch the ending rubber band and attach the "C clip"
Step 13: Do the Same
Do the same with the other end
Step 14: Done! :)