Introduction: Safety Device Used in Labs and Kitchen

About: I am a 13yr old Innovator and Entrepreneur from Hyderabad, Telangana. I am familiar with Coding, Web Development and Product Development. I created a Device to help Alzheimer's Patients and their Caregivers s…

This is a safety device which is used in labs and in kitchen.This is an Arduino project which can save many lives. It has a gas sensor which can detect any smoke or gas leaks. An alcohol sensor which can detect the presence of any alcohol. It has a temperature sensor to detect high temperatures and a fire alarm to detect fire. I will be showing you a detailed tutorial on how to make it.

Step 1: Watch the Video

Watch this video for more information on this project

Step 2: Materials Required :

Step 3: Connecting the Outputs to the Arduino

Buzzer :-

Connect the buzzer to the D12 pin of the Arduino Nano. This will be the Siren of our Project.

LED 1 ( LED for the Gas sensor) :-

Connect this red LED to the D6 pin of the Arduino Nano. This will help us to identify that the gas sensor is be alerted.

LED 2 (LED for the alcohol sensor) :-

Connect this red LED to the D9 pin of the Arduino Nano. This will help us to identify that the alcohol sensor is be alerted.

LED 3 (LED for the temperature sensor) :-
Connect this red LED to the D4 pin of the Arduino Nano. This will help us to identify that the temperature sensor is be alerted.

Step 4: Connecting the Gas Sensor MQ2 to the Arduino Nano

Connect the VCC or 5V pin of the sensor to the 5V pin of the Arduino Nano. This will give us power to the sensor.

Connect the GND pin of the sensor to the GND pin of the Arduino Nano.

Connect the AO pin of the sensor to the A0 pin of the Arduino Nano.

If you have any problems later controlling the sensor connect the DO pin of the sensor to any of the Digital pin.

Step 5: Connecting the Alcohol Sensor MQ3 to the Arduino Nano

Connect the VCC or 5V pin of the sensor to the 5V pin of the Arduino Nano. This will give us power to the sensor.

Connect the GND pin of the sensor to the GND pin of the Arduino Nano.

Connect the AO pin of the sensor to the A1 pin of the Arduino Nano.

If you have any problems later controlling the sensor connect the DO pin of the sensor to any of the Digital pin.

Step 6: Connecting the LM35 Temperature Sensor to the Arduino Nano

Connect the VCC or 5V pin of the sensor to the 5V pin of the Arduino Nano. This will give us power to the sensor.

Connect the GND pin of the sensor to the GND pin of the Arduino Nano.

Connect the AO pin of the sensor to the A2 pin of the Arduino Nano.

If you have any problems later controlling the sensor connect the DO pin of the sensor to any of the Digital pin.

Step 7: Uploading the Code

Copy this code to your Arduino IDE , but you need to change the threshhold value according to the sensitivity of your sensor :-

int gaspin = A0;
int alpin = A1; int tempPin = A2; int gasread; int alread; int tempread; int temp; int gasLED = 6; int alLED = 9; int tempLED = 4; int buzzPin = 12;

void setup() {







void loop() {

gasread = analogRead(gaspin);

alread = analogRead(alpin);

tempread = analogRead(tempPin);

temp = tempread * 0.48828125;

delay (250);


Serial.println(" GAS");


Serial.println(" AL");


Serial.println(" .C");

if(temp>55){ \\ change the threshold value accordingly







if (gasread>320){ \\ change the threshold value accordingly








if (alread>1000){\\ change the threshold value accordingly






digitalWrite(buzzPin,LOW); } }

Step 8: Making the Fire Alarm

Take a tube light starter apart. You will find a capacitor and a chamber. We only need the chamber so remove the capacitor. The chamber will now act as a switch to detect fire. You will observe that it has to untouched points , but when fire is applied to it , the points will come in contact and will trigger the circuit. Build the circuit above in the image consisting of a buzzer,9volts battery and the fire detector.

Step 9: Combine Both of Them

Attach both of the projects most notably on a clear plastic box so you can debug any of the errors and connect a 9volts battery to the GND - Negative and VIN - Positive Terminals of the battery.

Step 10: There You Go !

There you go !

This project needs to be installed on top of the room as the gas flows upwards and may not be used outdoors.

So when there is a gas leak or smoke the LED1 will glow and the buzzer will buzz.

So when there is a presense of alcohol in the room the LED2 will glow and the buzzer will buzz.

So when there is a high temperature in the room the LED3 will glow and the buzzer will buzz.

So when there is a fire the buzzer will buzz.