Introduction: Self Watering Sand Clock Indoor Planter

About: I am a student who loves robotics and craft work. My mother is my overall supporting personality.

Hai all,

In this Instructable, I am gonna show you how I made a self-watering planter for my indoor plant without using any electronics like sensors Arduino, or even a battery. It works on capillary action the irrigation method using this concept is called 'wick irrigation' but I wanted to make it modular and suitable for indoor plants. I started with the design part 2 months before and stopped with that. I was in short of 3D printing materials and was unable to purchase some due to the COVID-19 lockdown. With that small amount of material left with me, I made an automatic hand sanitizer. So the project was stuck at that point.

Some days before, I noticed that many people are setting up indoor plants since they are locked in their homes. So I thought it's time for me to continue with the project. Ease of maintenance and modularity were the key advantages of my design. And I thought it would be helpful to nurture Indoor planting habits among people. So I bought the 3d printing filaments with some money left with me and finally finished it. I am unable to explain the happiness that I had when I finished it and saw the final product.


  1. 3d printer
  2. A plant
  3. Cotton cloth
  4. Thread or thin copper wire

Step 1: 3D Print the Parts

These are the STL files to 3D print the parts.

Print instructions:

  • Layer height: 0.24
  • Material: PLA
  • Print the 'Planter_Square_Funnel.stl' with support
  • You can vary the size of parts from your slicer software.

Step 2: Fix the Funnel

Fix the funnel to the projection on the main body using a glue. You can pour water to the planter through this funnel.

Step 3: Make the Wik

Make the wick using a cotton cloth. Make a thin roll using the cloth and tighten it with a thread.

Step 4: Insert the Wick Into Main Body's Inner Hole

Inset the wick as shown in pictures and make sure that one end touches the bottom of the main body and leave some amount of wick outside the hole.

Step 5: Place the Plant

Select your favorite plant and place it inside the top part. The end of the wick should be outside the soil.

Step 6: Pour Water

Pour water into the planter through the square funnel and close it with lid. Don't forget to close the lid in order to avoid breeding of mosquitoes.

Step 7: Finished!

We have finished making the planter and for most of the cases, water will last for about 5 days.