Science Experiment- Slime
Intro: Science Experiment- Slime
8 easy steps to make slime!
STEP 1: Water and Borax
-Mix warm water and a spoonful of borax together and set aside
STEP 2: Glue
Dump bottle of glue into a bowl
STEP 3: Shaving Cream
Add 1/2 Cup of shaving cream to the bowl
STEP 4: Soap
Add 1/2 Cup of foaming soap to bowl and mix
STEP 5: Corn Starch
Add a spoonful of cornstarch to the mixture.
STEP 6: Lotion
Add three pumps of lotion to the mixture
STEP 7: Food Coloring
Add whatever color food coloring you would like to the slime mixture
STEP 8: Borax Mixture
Add four spoonfuls of the water mixture to the slime a stir it
STEP 9: Final Product
Kneed the slime with your hands until soft and fluffy
Joyciethomas 7 years ago
daisyfinn2 7 years ago
Swansong 7 years ago
This would be fun to do as a kids' craft project :)