Introduction: Security Alarm Laser Detector or Sensor for Arduino Beginner
Hi, guys today me and u all are going to make a laser detector work with a Arduino and piezo.
So how does it work. when the laser is blocked from the head of the module the piezo will
alarm up.
so lets start. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Step 1: Gather Your Body Parts
1. Laser Detector (1)
2. Piezo (1)
3. Laser (1)
4. Arduino (1)
Step 2: Connect It to Your Body
The laser detector pins are:
VCC to 5V
OUT to pin 11
the laser pins are:
red wire or positive to pin12
blue wire or negative to GND
The piezo wires are:
positive to pin 13
negative to GND
Step 3: Give a Messge to Your Brain to Work
the code is:
Step 4: You Can Work by Your Self (body Functioning)
enjoy your sleep at night. :):):):):):):):):):)!!!!!!!!!!