Introduction: Servicing a Shower Head Heater!
My shower head heater has been giving pitiful shower of water due to clogged holes. Here is how I fixed that.
Step 1: Unscrew the Head.
Once the head is off, time to get to work.
Step 2: Disassembly of the Head.
Using a butter knife ?, I unscrewed the cover. I rinsed out the entire assembly and separated all the parts.
Step 3: Inspection.
Holding up the cover to the light, so many holes are clogged!
Step 4: Cleaning.
Using a safety pin I drilled into all the holes.
Step 5: Checking.
Ahhhhh! All the holes are letting light through! ?
Step 6: Reinstallation and Completion!
Screwing back on the cleaned head... Turning on the shower... Full spray now! ?happy shower days ahead! ?