Introduction: Shirt Folding Helper
These shirt folder helpers are pretty cool. I made mine out of cardboard and duct tape but you could make it out of stronger materials for a more perminent set up. This worked surprisingly good, the point of it is to help fold clothes faster. I found if you have all your shirts flattened that it helps fold them faster and better than I would by hand. all That you do is make 6 squares the size of a tee shirt folded. Then just tape all the six pieces of card board together as the pictures show.
Step 1: Supplies:
Card board
Duct tape
razor blade or cutters
Step 2: Folding:
Start with shirt face down on card board lay out.
Step 3: Folding Right Side
Fold the right two side squares over folding the right third of the shirt over the center third.
Step 4: End of 1st Fold
This is what your first fold will look like.
Step 5: Folding Left Side
Now you want to fold over the left two squares folding over the left third of the shirt over the center third.
Step 6: End of Second Step:
Now both the right and left thirds of the shirt should be folded over the center third.
Step 7: 3rd Fold
Now that both the sides are folded over the center two cardboard squares you wanna fold the bottom have of shirt over top half of the shirt.
Step 8: End of Third Step
Now your shirt will look like this in a folded shape upside down.
Step 9: Last Step:
Now just fold the top middle piece of card board down to get your shirt face up.