Introduction: Simple Calculator With Python Programming

About: A science student.

Hi, everyone in this instructable I made a simple calculator using python programming.


For this project, you only require python idle.

Step 1: Installing Python IDLE

For this project, you need to install python idle from the python website.

Step 2: Code

Make sure you first open a new file by clicking on file button.

Code :-

a=int(input("Enter a number:"))

b=int(input("Enter another number:"))

c=input("Enter your choice operator:")

if c=='+':

  print("the sum of number is",a+b)

elif c=='-':

  print("the difference of the number is ",a-b)

elif c=='*':

  print("the product of the number is",a*b)


elif c=='/':

   print("the quotient of the number is",a/b)


  print(" wrong operator")

Step 3: Testing Calculator

Now the final testing part : ), YES It worked.