Introduction: Simple Cheese Burger

About: Hi! I am Klinong, that is how my loving family calls me, except my brother, he calls me Krinyol, as I have silly curly hair :) I love Instructables for forever now, especially for the contests ha-ha!, but I …

Like....seriously simple :)

Step 1: Ingredients and Method

500 g lean ground beef

1 tbsp Italian seasoning flavored bread crumbs

1 tbsp store bought fried garlic

1 medium size onion, chopped

2 green onion, sliced thinly

3 tbsp cooking oil

1 egg, lightly beaten

ground black pepper, a dash

Hungarian Vegeta seasoning or Royco seasoning or any other powder seasoning that has mixture of dried veggies in it (available at European stores, specialty stores, and/or big grocery stores), as needed

Sliced of mozzarella cheese, as needed (or you can use the ready to use sliced mozzarella)

Mix all ingredients but cheese, and shape into 6 balls

Divide each balls into two portion, flatten each

Place a slice of cheese on a burger then top with another burger

Cook on teflon without any fat (no butter, no oil etc) until well done
