Introduction: Simple Fairy Wings With Wire

These are the template for simple fairy made from wire from the hardware store, not wire coat hangers, because those are increasingly rare


  • 14 gauge wire, not using coat hangers in this Instructable
  • wire cutters
  • pliers, for twisting wire
  • nylon knee high stockings, getting harder to find
  • duck tape, duct tape, or similiar
  • hot glue gun and sticks
  • an assortment of fairy certified decorations
  • paint, probably any kind will do

Step 1: Bend the Wire for the Wings

Bend the wire into 2 or 4 wing shapes. 2 seems like enough for a fairy considering their flight is governed my magical rules and not physics. However, 4 could be cool, and who knows maybe necessary within the laws governing their magic. 3 would seem to indicate some unfortunate event. In summary, 2,3,4 for depending on your particular fairy's magical realm and backstory.

I used about 42 inches of wire. More than that and the knee high stockings deformed the wire too much.

Roughly shape the wire into a wing shape. You'll have to squeeze it to get the stocking on, so don't get too detailed here.

Leave a stem, like a leaf, where the wires meet to attach the wings together later, 4-6 inches will do.

Step 2: Wrap the Wings Up in a Nylon Stocking

Wrap the flapping part of the wing in the nylon stocking. Leave the stem uncovered.

Step 3: Shape the Wings

Once the nylon stocking is on the wings can obtain their final shape.

Step 4: Attach the Wings Together

Here we need to attach the wings together and protect the mortal wearing them from getting poked my clumsy human wires. I went with twisting the wires together and wrapping the whole shebang up with duck tape.

Step 5: Farification

Paint and attach Fairy certified decorations however and wherever strikes your fancy.

Step 6: Attach Straps

Measure, cut, and glue

Step 7: Get Wings Certified

Have your wings certified by a licensed fairy.

Step 8: And Frolic

With your wings certified all that is left to do is frolic. So be about it, frolic!