Introduction: Simple Nerf Dart Mod
This is my first Instructable, and I know people have done this before, so don't go negative on me.This mod gives your Nerf darts more power and range.
Step 1: Get Your Materials
You will need-
*A Nerf dart (duh)
*A Nerf dart (duh)
Step 2: Getting Tape
Cut a small piece of tape.
Step 3: Assembly
Search the dart tip for a small hole.Tape up the hole and make sure the tape is on tight.
Note:You may have to cut it smaller if it's a tagger dart because tape doesn't stick well to velcro
Note:You may have to cut it smaller if it's a tagger dart because tape doesn't stick well to velcro
Step 4: Alternate Method
You could also seal the hole up with a small dab of hot glue.
Note: I have not tested this method,and I don't know if it will add too much weight or what.
Note: I have not tested this method,and I don't know if it will add too much weight or what.