Introduction: Simple Paper Glider

About: I'm back!
This is a paper airplane that my friend and I discovered in an old book, and revised. It is made from one sheet of 8.5x11 printer paper. It is exceptionally simple, and it is a fine glider.

Step 1: The First Folds

To begin, fold one of the short ends over about 4 centimeters. Food this over and over itself, until it is only about 4 or 5 inches long overall. Then, flip the paper over so the thick part is away from you, and facing the ground. Then fold it in half. After that, fold the wings down. They should be about one inch away from the center fold.

Step 2: Finishing Up

Fold up the edges of the wings about one centimeter. Then put a couple paper clips on the nose of the glider. To make it fly, lightly throw it foward.