Introduction: Simple STM32 Heart-shaped Led Blinker
I need to learn how to make PCBs with UV method and I've create simple test board. Heart-shaped led blinker :)
Step 1: Materials:
You need:
- STM32F030F4P6
- 12 LEDs SMD (0805)
- 12 resistrors 1k 0805
- 3 resistors 10k 0805
- Battery connector and battery
- one SMD PMOS
- one SMD switch
Step 2: PCB:
My firsts PCB with UV method.
Step 3: Soldering:
Step 4: Cutting the Edges:
I use my dremel to cut edges.
Step 5: Create Animations:
I've made PC app in C# to create animations.
Step 6: Final:
Movie with animations (before cutting edges):
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