Introduction: Slab Letter
A slab letter is an artistic way to express and display what you or a loved one like.
Step 1: Flatten Clay
Get clay and apply pressure to make clay flat enough to be able to enter the slab roller.
Step 2: Insert Clay
Locate the clay directly under the slab roller
Step 3: Roll
Move the wheel in a circular motion twice in opposite directions to be able to flatten the clay
Step 4: Result
Your piece of clay should look this flat
Step 5: Smooth
Smooth out your piece of clay to be able to work with it easier
Step 6: Trace
Select your desired letter and trace with a pen
Step 7: Remove Clay
Remove any extra clay that is around the letter
Step 8: Result
This what your final result should look like after cutting out the extra clay
Step 9: Bag
Place your piece of clay inside a bag with paper. This step is really helpful because the clay won't be too soft or too hard.
Step 10: Cut Out Strips
Make another slab. Cut out strips the width of a ruler.
Step 11: Vinegar
Score and Slip the strips onto the letter. Use vinegar as glue.
Step 12: Wall Building
Keep on adding strips until you have made a "wall" around the letter.
Step 13: Second Letter
Cut out another letter then score and slip onto the wall
Step 14: Decorate
paint and design your letter as wished