Introduction: Smart Lamp IT3 Mendoza Marchisio Sánchez

Hello, we are Juan Mendoza, Enzo Sánchez and Gianluca Marchisio, students from 3rd year of the "Escuela Técnica Roberto Rocca" in Campana, Argentina, and we are going to teach you how to do this project we've been doing since august of 2022 called "Samrt Lamp". This project consist of a lamp that moves and changes its light intensity based on the light of the light it recieves, and that is why it is called "smart". We did this project for the subject Technollogical Innovation.


  • Fibreboard wood
  • Electronic components (Arduino UNO, PCB, 2 servomotors SG 90, 2 potentiometers, photoresistor/LDR, 2 leds, switch, resistances, wires)
  • Computer with Tinkercad, Onshape and Arduino Ide
  • Screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Handsaw
  • Marker
  • Tin welder
  • Tin
  • Red paint
  • 5 mm wick
  • 3 mm wick
  • Chisel

Step 1: Sketches

The first step is to do the sketches to represent the shelling design you imagined for the lamp.

Step 2: Proggraming and Simulation

The third step is making the proggraming and simulation. The simulation is the circuit you are going to use to make the working prototype, and the proggraming is the code it uses.

The code for the proggraming that we did in c++ language is the following:

int Brillo;​

int angulo;​

int angulo1;​

int pot;​

int pot1;​

Servo myServo;                       ​

Servo myServo1;​

void setup(){​

   pinMode(A5, INPUT);​

   pinMode(0, OUTPUT);​

   pinMode(1, OUTPUT);​

   myServo.attach(5);                ​



​void loop(){​

  Brillo = analogRead(A3);​

   analogWrite(4, (Brillo / 4));​

   analogWrite(5, (Brillo / 4));​

   delay(10); ​


  pot1=analogRead(A5); ​

   angulo=map(pot, 0, 1023, 0, 179);​

  angulo1=map(pot1, 0, 1023, 0, 179);​





Step 3: Modeling 3d

The third step is the modeling 3d to see how the final piece is going to look like.

we did it on Onshape, but you can use other app if you want to.

Step 4: Blueprints

The fourth step is making the blueprints, which onshape lets you do very easily if you did the modeling 3d on this app.

You should put all the final measures in the bluepreints so you can start working in the prototype based on them.

Step 5: Cuting the Wood

The fifth step is cuting the woood to the measures you put in the blueprints.

you can do this marking the wood with the marker and then cuting them with the handsaw.

You can make the round holes to pass wires with a wick of 5 mm.

You can make the holes for the leds and LDR with the 3 mm wick.

Make the rectangular and square holes with the chisel.

Make other 3 holes with the 5 mm wick to put the switch and the 2 potentiometers on the top box.

Step 6: Final Prototype

The final step is making the final working prototype. To do it you are going to make the shell design with the fibreboard wood you cut in the previous step, and then make the circuit with all the electronic components you used in the proggraming, welding the wires with the tin and the tin welder.

Then, paint the shell with the red paint, and when it dries, put the finished circuit inside it.

Put screws on the Arduino and Servomotors.

Connect the Arduino UNO to the computer ad open Arduino IDE to upload the code to you Arduino.

When its uploaded, the circuit should start working.

Now you have a functional smart lamp.