Introduction: Snugglebag

About: ...after 30 years of becoming corporately numb, my dreams of not working (for pay) and instead creating with my hands has become a reality. Life is grand!
Create a warm wrap from your favorite blanket

Step 1: Find a Comfy Blanket and a Few Materials

This project uses:

*a warm TV watching blanket - 60" wide x 85" long is plenty long for a 6' (hu)man. Anything shorter will still work but will not necessarily reach to the ground.

*1.5 yards of velcro, also known as HOOK(rough texture) & LOOP(soft texture) tape

*a needle & thread, or if possible borrow a sewing machine

Lay out blanket on the floor to get started...

Step 2: Developing the Outside of the Snugglebag

Notice the blanket has been turned over and this photo show it's reverse image.

Decide which side of the blanket will be worn against your body, and which side will face outward. On the side that is to face outward, mark the length 32" from the top.

Next, cut two 2" lengths of velcro and separate. Set aside the HOOK segments for Step 5.

Pin a LOOP section perpendicular to each 32" mark. Stitch down and remove pins.


Step 3: Creating the Upper Half of the Snugglebag

Lay out the blanket so it resembles Step 1 photo.

Cut one 16" length of velcro, and separate. These strips will be attached to the top width of the blanket..

Starting at the upper left corner, pin the HOOK side toward the center. Stitch and remove pins.

Turn blanket over over so it resembles Step 2 photo.

Again, starting at the upper left corner, pin the LOOP side toward the center. Stitch and remove pins.

(The top width of the blanket now has 16" of velcro stitched on to the opposite and reverse sides of the blanket. When placed around your neck/shoulders, a cape is created once the velcro strips are pressed together.) have finished the upper part of your Snugglebag!

Step 4: Creating the Lower Half of the Snugglebag

Lay out blanket so it resembles Step 1 photo

Cut one 36" length of velcro, and separate. These strips will be attached to the bottom length of the blanket.

Starting at the bottom left corner, pin the HOOK side from bottom toward the center. Stitch down and remove pins.

Turn blanket over so it resembles Step 2 photo.

Again, starting at the bottom left corner, pin the LOOP side from bottom toward the center. Stitch down and remove pins.

(Tthe bottom length of the blanket now has 36" of velcro stitched on the opposite and reverse side. When these two halves are pressed together, a 36" seam is formed.)

Congratulations, you have completed the bottom half of your Snugglebag!

Step 5: One Final Piece of Sewing Which Will Later Connect to Each Half

Lay out blanket so it resembles Step 1 photo.

Pin the 2" segment of HOOK (from Step 1) at the upper left corner of the blanket so that it forms a velcro right angle next to the 16" segment. Stitch down and remove pins.

Again, lay out blanket so it resembles Step 1 photo.

Pin the other 2" section of HOOK velcro to the opposite right upper corner. Both pieces of 2" velcro are now on the same side of the blanket and facing in the same direction, but at different corners. Stitch down and remove pins.

Step 6: It's Time to Try on the Snuggle Bag....wrap the Upper Blanket Around Your Neck (similar to a Cape) and Press Together Both Sides of the 16" Velcro to Form a Seam.

Step 7: Wrap the Bottom Half of the Blanket Around Your Legs and Press Together the 36" Velcro to Form a Seam.

Step 8: Press the 2" Section of Velcro Located Under the Cape-like Front to the 2" Section of Velcro Located at Mid-waist. Repeat With the Other Side.

Step 9: Slip Your Arms Into the Newly Created Openings.

Step 10: Enjoy Warm Comfort While Relaxing and If You Get Too Hot, Separate Seams. Snuggle Up!