Introduction: SpiderMan Far_From_Home Laptop Sticker

About: A high-school student from a typical Indian Middle-class family, looking to explore & learn new stuffs through rejections,curiosity & people from all around the globe! Peace!:)(This was back in 2020) Now, I'm …

Always Wanted My MacBook Pro To be more attractive & enticing to watch...

So this feeling motivated me to develop a full diy Laptop Sticker!

It's a laptop sticker of the famous character Spider-Man from the movie "Spider_Man:Far From Home".


  1. A laptop(obviously :))))[Will be good if it's a MacBook]
  2. White paper
  3. Pencil
  4. Sketch Pen(Any Color)
  5. Vinyl Sticker Paper(Black)
  6. Scissors
  7. Exacto-Knife

Step 1: Starting!

  • Take the laptop.
  • Place a paper on the back side of the laptop.
  • With the help of a pencil, draw & mark the Apple Logo on the paper.

Step 2: Drawing the Character!

  • Use the image I provided to draw the Character.

NOTE: Make sure to draw the Spider logo on the chest of the suit on the Apple Logo so that when you cut that part, it glows when the laptop is on!

This will make it X100 times more Dashing!

Step 3: Highlight the Part to Be Cut!

  • Highlight the parts on the paper with the help of the sketch pen which are going to be cut.
  • Refer to my given drawing.

Step 4: Embossing Spider-Man!

  • After successfully completing the drawing & highlighting the parts to be cut, take the Black Vinyl Sticker Paper, flip to it's white backside.
  • Put the drawing on it as shown.
  • Tape it's corners so that while embossing the paper stays still.
  • Take a scissor and press the drawing with the back of the scissor on the sticker paper, as shown in the image.
  • After evenly distributing the pressure on the paper, slowly move the drawing!

Step 5: Cutting the Sticker Paper

  • Take a exacto-knife.
  • Cut the outside bordered parts & the highlighted ones.
  • For help, refer to the images!

Step 6: Careful!

Carefully take out the Sticker!


Step 7: Final Step

Now remove the white part & carefully paste the sticker on the backside of the MacBook!