Introduction: Square Wooden Box With Lid, One Board Contest
I made this to store items in a workshop so that way the tools and such does not clutter my working space and stops accidents from occurring like a screw driver hitting what I am working on while I am cutting something and making me mess up my cut and etc. Additionally I figured it could help with organization because in a shop usually stuff is not that organized and just stuffed places.
Table saw
1 screw head
1 screw hole drill bit
1. 1 by 8
1 piece of plywood 21 in 1/2 by 2 ft 1 in 1/2
like 25 or so screws about 3 in long
2 hinges about 5 in long
Step 1: Building the Entire Project
1st measure 3 pieces of 1 by 8 to the measurements of 7 in by 2 ft 1 in 1/2 and a piece of plywood same length as the others
- Then measure 2 pieces of 1 by 8 to 14 in long
- Then measure a piece of plywood to about 2 ft 1 in 1/2 by 14 1/2
- Then cut them all out and put 1 of the 3 pieces of the 1st measurements along with one of the pieces of the 14 in long one screw them together
- Then put the 14 in long piece on the other side with like 2 screws on each end connecting to the middle piece
- Then put 2 pieces of the 1st step in the middle of the two ends if it does not fit cut it to where it fits snugly
- Then screw them in at the bottom but not outside of the U you have made before then screw it in put like 2 screws per each board on each end connecting to the side boards.
- Then screw in the one plywood board that is talked about in the 1st step at the end so it is a rectangle put like 2 screws on each of the sides and 2 screws in the middle at the bottom
- Then put on the hinges on the side piece the thicker and longest one and put however many screws in however many screw holes
- Then attach the big piece of plywood to the hinges and put one long screw in the opposite side of the hinges for a handle