Introduction: Star Wars Themed Book Nook

We made a book nook based on a Star Wars scene. We had done this project once but decided to do it again to make it better. It took a few weeks and turned out pretty well.



-3d prints



-Copper wire

-Wood glue

-Hot glue

-2 lights



Step 1:

Go on makerscase and create a 12x8x5 box

Step 2:

Laser cut the box out on thick base plywood

Step 3:

Paint box black and paint stars

Step 4:

3d print 2 x-wings and paint them gray (add detail)

Step 5:

3d print a star destroyer and paint gray (add detail)

Step 6:

Crumble paper into asteroid shape and paint them gray

Step 7:

Paint copper wire black and cut 6 pieces

Step 8:

Attached a line to each x-wing, the star destroyer, and each asteroid

Step 9:

Hang from top of box with tape

Step 10:

Paint black over the tape and add stars

Step 11:

Print a death star and tape it to the back wall

Step 12:

Glue box together

Step 13:

Drill a whole by the x-wings and add a green light

Step 14:

Drill a hole behind the star destroyer and add a red light

Step 15:

Connect batteries to the lights and you’re done