Introduction: Star Leaf
Make a task bar of jobs you need to do.Collect all materials you need.
Materials required:-
- Different colored LEDs.
- Paper
- Scissors
- Makers
- Glue stick
- Batteries
- Hot Glue Gun
- Wires
- Electric tape
- Switch
- Cardboard
- Soldering Iron
- Soldering wire
Step 1: Draw, Cut & Paste
1.Draw required(leaves,star,board) objects in a paper. After doing so paste it on the card board and cut it out.
Step 2: Inserting LEDs Pt1
After cutting out the required objects start making holes for the LEDs using a sharp object like a compass.
Step 3: Inserting LEDs Pt 2
Using preferred LEDs insert them in mixed combination. Twist the legs of the LEDs in +-+-+-+- formation. Remember that only 4 LEDs can lit up in this connection. Using wires and battery,test to see if they are working.
If they are.......SMILE!!!
Step 4: Wiring and Soldering
After twisting the legs of the LEDs connect the positive with positive and negative withnegative using wires. Test it using battery and see if it works, if it does then using soldering wire and soldering iron, solder it( BECAREFUL )
Step 5: Switch
Connect the switch.