Introduction: Steampunk Altered Wooden Domino Pendant

About: I am a paper crafter who enjoys a variety of paper crafting activities: collage, mixed media, altered art , decoupage. I like learning new techniques and I like developing new ideas. I create a variety of it…
A wooden domino that I picked up at a garage sale was used to create this pendant. Attach a bail to your domino. A heart charm attached with glossy accents was used on this project.

Choose a design for your pendant. I used a design from Gecko Galz Arty jewel-it sheet. Trim it to fit your chosen domino and then apply some type of sealant (varnish). I use a cosmetic wedge sponge (making sure to seal the edges).

Use tacky glue or mod podge to apply the design to the tile. This pendant was embellished with some brass studs.