Introduction: Stencil on a Painted Board

About: From September 2015 I'll be Studying LV3 Accident and repair paint (Car painting), I enjoy drawing Manga, like problem solving and customising things and making them my own
I have had some people asking me how I put the stencil on my cabinet and even though I have made a tutorial on it I thought I'd make a better one just for the painting

Step 1: Materials

Low tak asking tape 2inch or bigger if you can get it
Craft knife and blade
Somthing to paint (I Preped, high build primed and painted Ply)
Spray paint (I used plasitcoat)
Printer and paper
Photo Editing software (I used Photoshop touch on my tablet)
A3/4 paper trimmer
Filler card

Step 2: Preparing

I prepared a plywood board but I would go through details just basics.
Filler P80-P180.
HB primer and primer P320.
Flat colour P400.
Matalics P500.
Try get inter coat adhesion if possible (before the previous coat has fully cured).

Step 3: Finding a Picture

This is more ridiculous than it sounds there's not many amazing stencils on the Internet but I found some Wall decals that I edited.
I'm using the one with the apple because I have drawn it before and have the original picture with colour.
I made it black and white then edited the apple flat red and added high lights and put it on the stencil.

Step 4: Masking

Masking is the base of the whole thing if you want a perfect finish then you need to over lap it a little.
if you want a fue lines rinning down then try to lay it with a small gap in a fue places.
If your worried about it pulling paint of stick and pull the masking tape off of your pants or some cloth.
Top tip: I used a clean filler card to push down the masking tape but you could use a ruler.

Step 5: Sticking the Image Down

I cut bits out of the stencil and masked it down kind of a simple step but it all needs to line up.
I left the middle two out so I could paint the apple.

Step 6: Cutting and Painting the Apple

This step isn't really nessasery but it was for me.
I cut the apple out using a craft knife and using the paper as a guide I kept the paper templates and took the two middle papers off, I then put some newspaper over it and masked it round then painted.
It was then left to cure for 48h before masking on top.

Step 7: Remasking

Remove the 3 strips around the apple then put full ones over the top, remove some of the adhesion using your pants.
Put the other paper templates on again and fix them back on.

Step 8: Cutting Out

Now for the long part cutting out.
Using a craft knife cut through the paper and masking change the blade when it starts getting blunt to make it easier.
Take brakes when you need to and don't give up.
This took me all day and by the end I was tired and made a mistake which I'll cover in another step.

Step 9: Painting

A light coat was added (grip) then 2 medium coats and it was fully covered.
Depending on the effect you want depends on how you spray it.
Leave it till it's dry at least mine was 30-50 muinets.

Step 10: The Problem

I forgot to demask this part and now it needs fixing so I masked off the area put some news paper down and sprayed it again.
but if I did this again I'd flat the edge with some P400 to feather it out then paint it.

Step 11: Where I Am

This is the point I've got to at the minute and it's time to leave everything to dry before I fix it.

Step 12: Prepping for Clear

I fixed the problem to a point where it won't be obvious.
I wet flatted the surface with P1000 wet and dry and cleaned it after be careful not to rub through.
I dryed it as best I could and left it to dry fully.
I then clear coated it, I used matt paint so I had the option to have it gloss or keep it matt.
At the minute I will put Trade spray clear coat on because it's only £5 for 500ml.

Step 13: Clear Coat

I only had one can of clear coat and need to buy more when I can.
You need a light coat then as many coats as you can without going over the top usually 3 medium or heavy coats with 15 muinets in between and leave to cure.

Step 14: Polishing

I haven't bothered with this step because some of the masking has gone wrong and stuff like that but if you want to remove the hard lines from the masking you can flat with P1000 around the edge then work up the grades and polish.
If I do another one I'll apply what I've learned and take it to the nexed step.

Step 15: What I'd Change and What I've Learned

If I did this project again I'd:
Use gray Scotch bright before each coat.
Use clear coat after each layer.
Take more time when removing masking tape so I know I have done it right.
Use some kind of glue to hold the paper down.
After cutting mask off the gaps and cut those out.
Apply clear coat in a better place where it won't get dirt.

These are things I'll change nexed time if I do this again.

Step 16: Thank You and Be Careful

First thing be careful use Organic compound respirators on a well ventilated area and don't hurt yourself with the craft knife think about what your doing and if your putting yourself at risk.

Now the nice part, I've uploaded three tutorials now and my spelling is probably terrible and I probably add pointless things but people have been really supportive and it feels really good for people to actually care about what I'm doing.
It really meens alot to me especially from people who have there own tutorials that are way better than mine.
So to everyone who views this, likes this ext. Thank you so much